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TLS from Osborne Bound In
[WILDE, Oscar] OSBORNE, John

The Picture of Dorian Gray

N.p.[London]: N.p. [Résumés Ltd.], N.d [1973]

5pp. introduction, 90 mimeographed pp. bound in pale green wrappers, secured by two split pins to left edge. 1p. TLS from John Osborne bound in. Title inked to leading and lower edges of text block. Wrappers a little marked and edgeworn, but a very well preserved copy.

Mimeographed rehearsal script for John Osborne's stage adaptation of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. Written and published in 1973, the play was first staged at London's Greenwich Theatre in February 1975 with Michael Kitchen in the title role, and eighteen months later it was filmed as a BBC Play of the Month with Peter Firth in the lead. Reaction to both productions was lukewarm.

Osborne's playtext is preceded by a preface dated September 1972, in which he discusses Wilde's original story and declares his preference for the central character to be played by a woman. Bound in, this copy has a TLS dated 25 April 1973 from Osborne on his headed notepaper to the theatrical producer David Pelham, presenting the play to him for his consideration: 'This might interest you. Do read the preface. First.' (The approach was unsuccessful.)


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