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A Fine Copy
[pseud. PARGETER, Edith] PETERS, Ellis
Dead Man's Ransom
London: Macmillan, 1984
8vo, pp. 190. Original green boards, lettered in silver to spine. Illustrated dust jacket. A fine copy in a fine dust jacket.
First edition.
The ninth story in the Brother Cadfael series, and a fine copy.
Tax amount
Price / kg:
By The Same Author
[pseud. PARGETER, Edith] PETERS, Ellis
[pseud. PARGETER, Edith] PETERS, Ellis
[pseud. PARGETER, Edith] PETERS, Ellis
[pseud. PARGETER, Edith] PETERS, Ellis
[pseud. PARGETER, Edith] PETERS, Ellis
Twice Inscribed, by Rattigan and David Suchet
Inscribed by Judith Kerr: 'To Sophie...'
KERR, Judith
TLS from Osborne Bound In
[WILDE, Oscar] OSBORNE, John
Director's Shooting Script, Heavily Annotated
[DAHL, Roald] CHAPMAN, Robin
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